Kamis, 29 Desember 2011
Percakapan Bahasa Inggris
Saya membuat percakapan ini karena saya ditugaskan untuk membuat percakapan untuk tugas bahasa inggris kominikasi,untuk membuat saya bias bercakap dalam bahasa inggris.
Dan akhirnya saya bias membuat percakapan bahasa inggris ini walaupun tidak bagus.
Budi : Good Morning Susi.
Susi : Good Morning to.
Budi : How are you ?
Susi : I am fine tank you.
Budi : where you live now Susi ?
Susi : I live in villages.
Budi : Why do you live in village ?
Susi : Because in the village quiet and cool.
Budi : Oh… must have clean in the village ? But in the city are many universities and hospital.
Susi : Yes… but in the city to noisy,dirty and bad.
Budi : How you can, while working in the city you live in the village ?
Susi : No problem, I can take a train from the village to the city.
Budi : How long the jouney from village to town ?
Susi : About two hours I go to town, from my home.
Budi : Wow… I am impressed with you on your determination to stay in village. We go back next time, tank you.
Susi : your welcome.
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